
Twitter Chatter

Feb 19, 2015 | Blog

As someone who is obsessed with pop culture and starry-eyed for celebrities, I’m looking forward to this week’s Oscars award show. Aside from all the red carpet styles and keeping a tally of which movies will win an award, I’m most looking forward to the Twitterverse’s commentary.

As we’ve mentioned before, a new tv norm is upon us. Live-tweeting events has become somewhat like Mystery Science Theater multiplied by Twitter’s 232 million users. Search the appropriate hashtag for any TV show or event and you’ll find insightful comments, fans worshipping their idols or carefully placed ads disguised as a Tweet.

At Integrate , several of our clients have joined in on these Twitter chats through Q&A events, where they shared their knowledge of a particular topic, or by providing commentary on breaking news and events with a hashtag – the most recent event being the Super Bowl.

Interested in participating in a Twitter chat or live tweeting the Oscars this weekend? I’ve put together some dos and don’ts to help you get the most out of participating in these live Twitter events.

Do use the proper hashtag for the event and tag appropriate Twitter accounts if necessary.

Don’t misspell the hashtag – your conversation will not be shown for users who are following the conversation using the proper hashtag.

Do promote the Twitter chat to assure the biggest possible engagement from your followers.

Do put a period in front of an @reply if you would like your conversation seen by everyone following the chat.

Don’t stick to only text. Multimedia, like pictures and video, attract the most engagement on Twitter.

Do use a Twitter listening tool like Hootsuite or Tweetchat to easily monitor the conversation and filter irrelevant tweets.

Twitter chats may seem like a blur because they can be fast-paced, but if you follow these rules, your Twitter followers will see you as an expert and appreciate your voice on Twitter.

Written By Julianne Agno

The post Twitter Chatter appeared first on Integrate Agency.

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