
Time To Shape Up

Jun 11, 2015 | Blog

It’s said that a summer’s body is made in the winter; however, if you are anything like me, then your winter was spent on the couch watching Netflix instead of running at the gym.  But, atlas, swimsuit season has arrived and there is no avoiding the fact that it is time for me to stop being lazy and get somewhat more fit before hitting the beach. Like many young professionals, time seems to fly by between balancing my work and social schedule; therefore, it makes the most sense that living a healthier lifestyle begins at the office.

Here are a few tips that I have picked up from my coworkers at Integrate.

Rise And Shine. Getting a jump-start on your day is a great way to minimize stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed. Plus, getting your work out of the way early leaves time to hit the gym after the workday.  Allison and Allie are both great about waking up early and getting their work done while everyone else is still hitting the snooze button. This allows them to get through their tasks with minimal to no distraction.

Take The Long Way . Our graphic designer, Caitlyn, is always on the mission of getting her steps in and tracked on her Fitbit. She is a great motivator for a quick cardio session during the workday. Caitlyn always takes stairs instead of the elevator and walks to nearby establishments, versus drives, when she can.

Get Moving. Although Kaitlyn is an advocate for standing desks, I am not keen on the idea of being on my feet all day. She has been our office guinea pig as we test this out as an option for employees. However, portable gym equipment is also a great way to keep from being idle while you’re typing away. Laura uses a mini cycle throughout the day.

Drink Up. Staying hydrated is one of the most important things in having a healthy diet.  Mary is constantly drinking water, which not only keeps her from hitting the snack drawer but also keeps her alert and ready to face the day.

Thanks to such great role models in the office, I am already well on my way to living a healthier lifestyle. The whole Integrate team is always interested in hearing new tips on how to stay fit in the office; tweet us with your suggestions!

Written By Alyssa Austin 

The post Time To Shape Up appeared first on Integrate Agency.

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