
Improve local SEO on mobile devices

Feb 24, 2018 | Blog

With so many people cruising the Internet on their mobile devices, businesses can’t afford to miss out on these opportunities to draw more web traffic. Not only does it mean having a mobile-friendly website and ensuring it is optimized with keywords, but it also means taking extra steps to ensure viewers can find your company.

As you prepare to launch new marketing campaigns, review your site on all mobile-devices, to make sure all of the features are functioning as planned. Check to see that the webpages are organized well, with clear menus at the top or bottom of the page, and that navigation links can be clicked easily regardless of how small a device is or how large a viewer’s fingers may be.

Having a clear, user-friendly, mobile website will give you a good foundation for optimizing locally. Here are a few more things you can do to improve functionality.


Good performance for any webpage depends on the structure of the website, the web design and the page speed, but this is especially important for mobile. That’s why it’s essential to start from a strong foundation. Once you have a user-friendly website, adjust the images so that they are small and simple enough to load quickly. Minimalize the amount of extra code on each webpage, in order to accommodate varying connectivity speeds, and avoid using web link redirects. Any objects on the website that are clunky and slow to load could negatively impact your SEO.


It used to be that some website elements were so data-heavy or had such limited compatibility that they would stall pages from loading on mobile devices *cough* flash *cough*. As tablets and smartphones become more sophisticated, there are fewer limitations to mobile web design. However, there are still a few limitations every business should take into consideration.

Do some research so that you know the difference between elements that load quickly and outdated functions that will crash a website or an app. Then put this insight to work for your mobile SEO by incorporating the right elements into the web design. Elements that function best on mobile devices and offer the most up-to-date functionality are changing all the time, but here are a few to get you started.

If you haven’t already, stop using Flash. This bug-ridden platform is scheduled to be phased out in 2020, and many websites have already put Flash features to bed. The multimedia platform can be extremely slow to load, and it poses security threats and compatibility issues on some devices. Best practices point to converting any multimedia features to HTML5. In addition, avoid pop-up windows, and try not to block CSS, JavaScript or images from loading on the webpage. Pop-up windows are difficult to navigate on mobile devices, but these other functions will load quickly, allowing flexibility for mobile website design.


By now, you may be thinking that you will have to create an entirely different website in order for your company’s online presence to achieve good mobile SEO. While you do have the option of using a dynamic serving design or a separate site configuration, your company won’t necessarily have to rebuild any websites from scratch. Instead, consider converting the website to responsive design.

Responsive design allows for one website to function in several different sizes, that are optimized for desktop and mobile devices. It will give you one simple URL with consolidated authority and no redirected links, which is great for SEO. There are benefits to using other approaches as well depending on the need of the site. Using a parallel website URL is an easy option for catering to mobile traffic, while using a dynamic serving configuration will allow you the best functionality for elements that are designed specifically for mobile phones.


The post Improve local SEO on mobile devices appeared first on Integrate Agency.

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