
How Much Should a Website Project Cost?

Sep 23, 2019 | Blog

Breaking Down the Cost of a Website

(Insert obvious ‘It depends.’)

We hate this answer. You hate this answer. So let’s actually answer the question that’s on everyone’s minds. While prices may vary from agency to agency, our best answer to this question is you get what you pay for. 

This means that if the price seems too good to be true for a custom-designed site, it probably is. However, that’s not to say that some of the WordPress layouts aren’t bad; for small businesses or nonprofits who don’t have the time or budget to dedicate to a fully custom site, there are still so many types of website options available. 

At Integrate, we don’t create cookie-cutter sites — we customize templates based on your unique business needs. However, a lot more goes into creating a website than just page templates; in addition to the design of templates, so much more are included in the cost. That’s why the price is sometimes difficult to justify without fully understanding the process of building a website. 

Here’s an infographic that breaks down the costs and what all goes into building a site. 

So, How’s Your Website’s Job Application Looking?

Whether your website’s looking bleak or if it’s surpassing goals with flying colors, it’s important to remember that an effective website isn’t a race — it’s a marathon. It’s a constant push to meet and then exceed your business goals, which will ultimately translate into higher sales and more satisfied customers. 

This is Part 2 of Integrate’s Website series. To read part 1 on the 10 traits of an effective website, click here

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