
Dazzling Success on Twitter

Jun 2, 2016 | Blog

Here at Integrate, we specialize in utilizing the various burgeoning social media platforms to expand our clients’ reach, and our most recent activation with Brian Gavin Diamonds stands as a perfect example of how we create partnerships and expand audiences, all from behind the computer.

Using Twitter as a forum for conversation is a highly effective tool, and is something that our team has been quick at integrating into our clients’ strategies. Most recently, we launched a Twitter Chat for the client we so lovingly call BGD, in partnership with Whole Heart & Home, a lifestyle blog that organically shared some of BGD’s content last fall. Our team recognized the reach that Amy Jones (the voice behind WH&H) had, and reached out to create a working partnership between her blog and Brian Gavin Diamonds. After seeing the success of the recent #WHHBaby Twitter Chat she held, we reached out and presented the idea for a BGD Twitter Chat that would engage both brands and offer those who participated a chance to win two $100 gift cards and 4 jewelry rolls from Brian Gavin Diamonds.

The goal of the chat was to raise brand awareness through a partnership with a company that had an audience with similar interests, but that was unique to our client, and to increase traffic to the Brian Gavin Diamonds website. Additionally, Integrate wanted to position Brian as a thought leader in the luxury jewelry sphere, which was executed through the content of the chat.

 30 new followers

Using the #WHHBling hashtag to track mentions and tweets, Brian Gavin Diamonds saw an incredible amount of engagement. The #WWHBling hashtag had tweets from popular Twitter accounts like @dreamaga_zine and travel blogger @bjkbrady, both with over 20,000 followers. Links to the BGD website were tweeted  345 times , and links to the blog were tweeted an additional  58 times. Thanks to tweets, mentions and retweets, along with the active participation and quick responses from the Brian Gavin Diamonds Twitter account that we were (wo)manning, the hashtag #WWHBling garnered  4,237,500 potential impressions  and an average of  282,500 daily impressions.

We’re absolutely blown away by the impressive numbers of this Twitter activation, but not surprised at all! Maintaining a position of innovation and constant growth is a cornerstone of our methodology here at Integrate, and this a perfect example of how staying up-to-date with the current landscape and constantly churning out  creative ideas  delivers results. Brian Gavin Diamonds (and our team) is excited to see what fresh ideas we’ll come up with next! Stay tuned…

The post Dazzling Success on Twitter appeared first on Integrate Agency.

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