
Building Trust through Social Media Engagement

Jul 13, 2015 | Blog

Are you maximizing your brand’s full social media potential? Increasing brand awareness is more than a few brilliant tweets and Facebook posts. These days, the likes and retweets mean nothing if you don’t know how to engage with your audience.

According to a study by Social@Ogilvy and Surveymonkey, brands are seeing more consumer interaction on social media. The study found that 45% of Americans have engaged directly with a company on social media and 72% receive a response.

Interacting with your consumers gives you a better understanding of how they work, which leads to knowledge of how you can gain their trust. Increase the ROI of your words by building trust through engagement.

Here are a few ways you can do this:

1. Be timely. Knowing what’s happening in the news can make or break a post. Awareness is everything when it comes to making a timely post. Create content that’s relevant, by simply paying attention to current events.

2. Do your research. Find out who your audience is and what they respond well to. Learn as much as you can about your company’s industry. From here, you can figure out the tone you need to use and what ideas will appeal to audiences best when coming up with content.

3. Use visuals. Graphics can do wonders on social media. A picture truly says a thousand words, in less time than it takes to read the same message. The right photo can spike up your response rate, instantly.

4. Create platform-tailored content. Learn to adjust content to fit the platform you’re on. For example, links aren’t clickable on Instagram, but they are on Facebook. Tailoring the same message across different platforms can make a huge difference.

5. Be personal . This is the most important step for any brand. No one wants to follow an auto-scheduling robot on social media. Giving your brand a personality strengthens the consumer bond. People like authenticity – so don’t be afraid to write like a human being!

To be successful, it’s a necessity for brands to make a deeper connection with their target audiences, and to do that, engagement is key.

Written By Ashley Balmaceda

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