
Why Our Agency Grew to Include Digital Marketing

Nov 16, 2017 | Blog

Wellington Group Marketing & PR was founded in 2007 to provide marketing and public relations services to local and national brands in the fitness, food, and lifestyle sectors. While working in this niche served us well over the past decade, the nature of the PR and marketing industry has shifted, including client needs and expectations.

We’ve always been believers in the efficacy of digital marketing, but the new marketing landscape meant that we needed to diversify our approach and expand our talents. While traditional public relations are still essential, we decided it was time to shift our mindset and adopt more integrated methodologies. And this had definitely included developing a carefully curated team with extensive experience in the digital realm.

Increasing Our Competitive Advantage

Anyone in the marketing agency landscape can tell you the industry is hyper-competitive. As a firm that is looking to grow and expand into new markets, marrying our tried-and-true public relations expertise with digital marketing felt like a natural next step. To really give us an edge over the competition, we’ve nearly quadrupled the size of our team to include experts in SEO, paid search, email, user experience, web design, and content.

Improving the Return on Investment

Understandably, clients want to know where their investment is going. The more tangible, the better. But as any public relations professional can tell you, it can be difficult to measure the ROI of traditional public relations endeavors. By combining our traditional PR acumen with the improved measurables of digital marketing campaigns, we can now provide our clients with more detailed numbers and concrete results, which in turn, increases our value to them.

Symbiotic Growth

We aren’t replacing our traditional public relations efforts with digital marketing. Instead, we’re amplifying each discipline through a symbiotic relationship, as digital marketing and public relations naturally complement each other.  To have a truly solid PR strategy, you need both to drive consumer behavior and tell your story.

While this transition has been a huge undertaking, we’re continually discovering exciting ways to integrate digital marketing and public relations together in successful and productive campaigns. The ultimate goal? To better serve the needs of our existing client base while also expanding that portfolio in new directions.

Does your public relations strategy need a boost? Give us a shout , as we’d love to help grow your business, too.

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