
Killer Tips to Help Build Your Email List

Jun 11, 2021 | Blog

No matter what industry or type of business you operate, an email list is an important part of a successful digital marketing strategy. An email list can help you share your story, promote your business, showcase your products, and share exclusive content while turning subscribers into customers. We’ve told you before that recurring revenue makes more cents . In fact, it costs five times more to attract a new customer than keep an existing one. Your email list is a direct line to these recurring customers. Focus on customer retention by building your email list with these 7 tips! 

Create A Pop-Form

A pop-up is a great way to capture new visitors on your website. Target new visitors by their behavior with timed pop-up forms or onsite retargeting, inviting them to join your mailing list. Set your pop-up to appear after a user has spent a specific amount of time on your site, or after they scroll halfway down a page. Whatever you do, don’t have an instant pop-up as it will deter site visitors from sticking around! Digital Marketer conducted a case study to determine the value of targeting returning visitors when it comes to onsite retargeting. As part of the experiment, Digital Marketer introduced a pop-up form for returning visitors only.

On top of needing to be returning visitors, they also required users spend at least 15 seconds on the site to receive the form. Digital Marketer was sure to exclude anyone who came from the page through the newsletter, as they would already be part of the mailing list. The pop-up also did not appear on sale pages as it might interrupt a purchasing decision. The content of the pop-up form offered meaningful content by providing a digital marketing toolbox, which helped turn their pop-up from possibly intrusive, to helpful. Their campaign generated 2,689 leads in two weeks and increased their average time on page by 54% . When done right, a pop-up form can help capture visitors who you otherwise may have missed. 

Be Personal

People are coming to your website for something specific, and your Call-to-Action (CTA) should reflect that. Personalized CTAs have a 42% higher view-to-submission rate than CTAs that are the same for all visitors. Take a look at the backend of your website and see where you’re getting significant traffic. For example, if your business specializes in interior design and you’re noticing traffic to a “2020 Design Trends” blog article, you may want to create downloadable content to help capture emails.

Your downloadable content could be an organizational document to help homeowners with their remodels. Use the downloadable to create a CTA that speaks to people looking for interior design trends, something like, ” Click here to download the ultimate home remodeling organizational template!”  Personalized CTAs only work if you have the resources to create quality content, but the payoff could be huge for your email list! Creating content doesn’t need to be expensive or time-consuming. Focus on offering a fun quiz, organizational resources, or exclusive articles rather than a robust toolkit. 

Embrace Humor

The average consumer is often overwhelmed with “Yes or No” web offers on a daily basis. Catch their attention by injecting some of your brand’s personality into your CTA copy. Instead of using a simple “No Thanks,” try a “No thanks, I don’t like deals.” It is easy to say no when the CTA suggests the visitor is just signing up for more emails, but harder to say no to saving money through discounts. Maybe offering discounts doesn’t work for your business; that doesn’t mean you can’t come up with a funny CTA. Try “No thanks, get this pop-up off my screen,” which might cause visitors to pause, giggle, decide they like your brand, and sign up for your email list. 

Focus on Your “About Us” Page

Your “About Us” page is the page with the most conversion potential. While it may not receive high traffic, the traffic it does receive is genuinely interested in your business. Think about your browsing habits, how often do you visit an “About Us” or “Get to Know Us” for a company you don’t care about? People who visit your “About Us” page are prime visitors who want to learn more about your business but may not be ready to purchase yet. Capture these invested visitors by adding a place for them to quickly sign up for your newsletter and stay up to date on your business on the “About Us” page. 

Get Social

You may not have a long list of email subscribers – yet, but you most likely have a social media network. Leverage your social media channels to funnel subscribers to your email list. The consumers who follow you on social media already know they like your brand and are more apt to sign up for emails from your business. If possible, offer an exclusive discount or deal for those who sign up from a social media channel. If you are just starting on social media or don’t have a large following, add your sign up form to your email signature! You and your team most likely communicate daily with diverse groups of people, especially your sales and customer service teams. Make it easy for those you interact with frequently to sign up for your newsletter. 

Test, Test, Test!

Your CTA works best when you catch visitors when they are ready to take action. You know your website best. Dig into your analytics and figure out when visitors are most likely to convert. Take a look at how your current website viewers interact with your site. Then A/B test to determine where to place your CTA. Maybe your CTA works best when it is at the bottom of a blog page, slides out from the right, or pops up at the beginning of the page. Test your CTA to find what works best and has the highest conversion rate. 

Say Thank You

Now that you have started growing your list, it’s time to say thank you. Create an automated welcome email for new subscribers. You can send an offer a discount code, exclusive content, promote your newest or best-selling product, ask about preferences, or simply thank new subscribers for their interest in your business. A thank you can go a long way in building brand loyalty.  

Building your email list doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With these high-quality tips, you should start to see an increase in your email subscribers. Email marketing helps you focus on customer retention, a long-term solution for increased revenue, and sustainable growth. Invest in your email marketing strategy by calling in the experts. Contact us today; let’s talk about how our team can help you build long-lasting loyal consumers through email marketing. 

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