
Data-Driven Social Media: Proof Promotions Generate Leads on Social

Sep 20, 2017 | Blog

It doesn’t come as a shock to most that the world of Social Media has become a pay-to-play space. Organic reach and engagement has seen a plummet since 2014 due to two main reasons; First, there’s simply too much content being published on Social Media platforms, making visibility in the News Feed increasingly competitive. Second, some social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and now LInkedIn deliberately try to show people the content that is most relevant to them, as opposed to surfacing all the content available.


The good news in all of this is that there’s a lot you can do to counteract these changes, like being more selective about what you publish, paying attention to  when  you publish, putting advertising dollars behind certainn posts and creating targeted ad campaigns.


By using paid social media, you can give your content a needed lift and put your products and services in front of eager buyers. Use these tips to put some power behind your social media posts, and hit sales targets all year long.


Boost Winning Posts


Most social media channels offer insights into how each post is performing, with some channels sending notifications for high-performing posts. On Facebook particularly, you’ll receive a notification each time your posts stand out from the crowd. The site will prompt you to boost your post in order to reach a larger audience. Take advantage of these opportunities because an already popular post will more than likely guarantee a lower CPC with a higher relevancy score. You can log into your advertising dashboard, decide how much the extra reach is worth, and increase your reach in real time. Boosted posts get more than nine times the organic reach of other marketing posts on Facebook. Be sure to track which posts perform best to plan out future social advertising campaigns. As you take advantage of all of the functionality on social media channels, you’ll be able to promote your products more effectively, transforming social engagement to a higher ROI.


Leverage Paid Content

Social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn also allow you to conduct paid advertising through their site. The sheer number of people engaging with the content on these channels makes it easy to reach target audiences. Develop advertisements or promotions that fit the needs of each platform, providing a call to action in 140 characters, a square graphic, product catalog, direct messages or an engaging video ad. Using a targeted audience will stretch your advertising dollars spent and will increase qualifiedn viewers exponentially, giving you more bang for your buck. Companies using Facebook Lead Ads have witnessed an increase of 22 percent in lead quality. Facebook also offers embedded shopping directly on the social media site, through the “Shop Now” button, or the built-out shopping application. Not only can you advertise with paid content, but you can also make online sales right on the site!

Hit Holiday Sales Goals

As you prepare to finish out the end of the year with a strong holiday shopping season, keep in mind the audiences you can reach along the way. Use targeted campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to reach people when they are the most active online and when they might be thinking about seasonal purchases. Social media sites like Pinterest also allow users to pin their ideas for the perfect holiday shopping spree, letting you attract new customers to your products through customer wish lists. Although Facebook is ahead of the game, providing more advertising and sales options than other social media channels, more functionality is coming to other sites too. Try using a buyable pin on Pinterest, or placing a shopping promotion on Twitter, through paid content. Carry your marketing campaigns through the big shopping days, and give users an incentive to push through to the sales counter or their online shopping cart.

The edge you can gain on social media networks will boost your sales into the fourth quarter and beyond and attract a new generation of customers to your company.

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