
7 Ways To Generate B2B Leads on LinkedIn

Mar 4, 2022 | Blog, Social Media

LinkedIn is considered a go-to platform for B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing. However, many businesses struggle with generating leads and getting results. Using LinkedIn isn’t as straightforward as many marketers may think. It’s much more than filling out details on your personal and company pages, sending connection requests to former and current colleagues, and then waiting for the magic to happen. 

In a sea of 575 million professionals on the LinkedIn platform, it can be overwhelming to effectively target and reach potential clients. But with the right marketing strategy, you’ll be generating more leads in no time.

1. Optimize Your Company Page

Creating a company page and featuring your logo isn’t enough to attract potential clients these days. Rather than utilizing your company page as a digital business card, think of it as a lead generation page, and encourage people to engage with your brand. This can be as simple as ensuring your cover image is eye-catching and reflective of your brand, offering the correct call-to-action button on your page to drive engagement, and claiming a custom URL to make your page more visible and ensure customers can easily find you.

2. Optimize Your Personal LinkedIn Page

Now that your company page is optimized, it’s time to look at your personal page. Your personal profile attracts people, and ultimately motivates them to follow your company’s page. Simple tasks, such as updating your profile photo, tagline, and about sections are great first steps. This is a great place to share posts from your company and other newsworthy, relevant, and quality content while expressing your views on those topics. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is consistently updated with your latest achievements, recent accomplishments, and featured content. You can also reach out to former colleagues and ask them to endorse your skills or complete a recommendation on your profile to give potential clients an idea of what others think about your work. 

3. Build Quality Connections

Once both of your pages are optimized, you’ll want to turn your attention to your connections. There’s that old saying of “quality over quantity,” and you’ll want to apply that to your network. It’s simple to generate hundreds of connections after randomly sending out requests, but the likelihood that it will result in higher engagement isn’t guaranteed. The more relevant and genuine connections you develop, the higher chances of them sharing and engaging with your content, as well as growing your presence organically on the platform.

4. Share Newsworthy (And Quality) Content

To establish an impactful brand presence on LinkedIn, you’ll need to interact with the platform daily. Sharing newsworthy, relevant, and above all, quality content will add value to your target audience. Doing this shows prospective clients that you’re up-to-date with developments in your industry, and establishes you as a trustworthy source of information and an expert in what you and your company offer. Best of all, it costs nearly nothing to create this content.

5. Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups (Or Better Yet, Create Your Own)

Joining and participating in LinkedIn Groups is an important part of making new connections, engaging with others, and highlighting your presence on the platform. (After all, this is social media.) By seeking out and joining groups that are relevant to your industry, you increase your opportunity for exposure to people immediately outside your network. And although it may take some time, establishing a group of your own should be a long-term goal, as it can become an additional source of B2B leads and help to establish your authority in the industry.

6. Target Potential Clients with Display Ads

LinkedIn charges more for ads than other platforms, but if done correctly, you can ensure you’re targeting the highest-value audiences. This audience segmentation can be based on job title, industry, and even education. It also guarantees that the decision-makers of companies are seeing you. This strategy allows you to use your budget more efficiently by targeting the most engaging and profitable users on the platform for better conversion, making it completely worth the investment.

7. Create Thought Leadership Content – But Back It Up

“Thought leadership” has become a prominent buzzword over the years, but the idea behind it actually does make a lot of sense. People are curious and want to listen to B2B brands that possess innovative ideas and have the foresight to see where the industry is headed in the future. Additionally, they are interested in reading original content, rather than recycled information they’ve heard before. When creating your content, make sure you can back it up with solid and trustworthy data. 

Millions of professionals are consistently active on the LinkedIn platform, and by using these strategies, you should be able to effectively leverage your connections to increase lead generation. Not sure where to start? Talk to the experts at Integrate Agency for insights into how you can level up your LinkedIn game.

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